Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy

Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) is the innovative treatment which harnesses the physiological and psychological aspects of a directed ketamine experience in conjunction with psychotherapy. The structured, evidence-based psychotherapeutic sessions offer clients a method to relax the rigid thought patterns and access limiting thoughts and patterns to be worked through in psychotherapy.

Neurologically, Ketamine is a direct inhibitor of the NMDA (N-Methyl-a-aspartate) receptor found in the brain and spinal cord. This receptor conducts and interprets signals for the brain to help your body function. At high dosages, Ketamine is used for anesthesia, such as in surgery. However, when Ketamine is administered at a low dosage in the therapeutic setting, it has been found to be effective in treating Treatment-Resistant Depression, PTSD and other certain mental disorders.

Evaluation and prescribing decisions are made by the medical staff at Journey Clinical in conjunction with the recommendation of your IPC therapist.

Call 713-440-8513 and speak to any of our office staff to learn more or schedule an appointment,