Lisa Nunn, LCSW

Lisa's bio ...

Lisa Nunn, LCSW

Position: Founder/Clinical Director, Psychotherapist

Personal Experience & Biography

Every step and pause on our journeys’ are significant and connected. My path has included receiving a Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree of English from Texas State University (it was Southwest State University when I attended), being a stay-at-home mom of three boys, receiving my Master of Social Work twenty years after my first degrees, walking through the pain of family alcoholism and addiction, and building a thriving private practice.

In the fall of 2000 I opened Cano Counseling Center offering individual and family therapy with a focus on grief and loss, depression and anxiety. In 2005 I became an anxiety specialist in the Terrap Anxiety Program as a component of my practice and in 2007 I purchased the rights to the Terrap Program to offer it throughout Texas and Louisiana. For over twenty years, I have had a thriving practice with two office locations in Kingwood and The Woodlands. I received KAP training through Polaris Insight Center. I have been asked to present seminars to community, business, and professional organizations on topics such as grief and loss, anxiety and stress management.

I find that each client who comes to my office brings with them a story of victories and setbacks on their path that they may not know how to integrate or even identify. I believe my job as a therapist is to join them on that journey. To bring eyes and ears and sensations and most of all tools that can empower them as they continue on their path. Every person has within them all the information to be who they are; our job is to help them connect with that information and use it to the fullest. And, let go of anything that does not or cannot serve them.

Meeting clients where they are on their journey and using the most innovative and creative ways to help them meet their goals is my passion and the foundation of my success to date. I began to envision expanding my practice to include other therapists with my vision, find even more innovative ways to reach those clients who remained stuck in their life.

It was in 2020 I became familiar with Ketamine Infusion Therapy and Ketamine assisted psychotherapy (KAP) as an adjunct treatment for PTSD, anxiety disorders, and treatment-resistant-depression. My husband had begun Ketamine I.V. infusion therapy for chronic migraines and anxiety —we saw a significant reduction in the severity of his migraines and his overall anxiety. Most recently he has begun KAP and sees improvement in his ability to develop and maintain positive coping skills in dealing with his anxiety and other stressors.

Multiple conversations about Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) with my colleague Dr. Jessen Mukalel, an Interventional Pain Medicine Specialist, and his interest in offering KAP was the catalyst to bring my vision to life–I founded Integrative Psychotherapy Center, LLC in July 2022. IPC is a comprehensive center that includes my individual and family practice, therapists that offer individual and family therapy and provide Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy in collaboration with Dr. Mukalel.

I, and my team at IPC, look forward to being the place where you find the ability to be the best you as you travel along this wonderful journey called life.